Sunday, July 22, 2007

Where were you?

Where were you in September 1975?

I remember walking into a 7-11 and this magazine cover JUMPED off of the shelf at me! Of course, at that time, I was convinced that I was the only person in the world who had an interest in spanking. After all, this was long before the Internet came along and information on the subject was scarce to say the least. So, I kept going back to the store every day or so, pretending to be looking for something else, but secretly catching a peek at the cover. I could not bring myself to buy it. I just knew that if I did, everyone would know my secret!

I did find an original copy many years later and this time, I bought it!

Where were you in 1975?

1 comment:

Dave said...

Ahh...1975...those were the days. Yeah this is too classic and is perhaps the greatest spanking illustration of all time, in my opinion :-))