RESOLVED By Corporal Punishment
This was another series of videos published by the sadly defunct Ravenhill
Studios. While there were just six videos in the *Beach Girls Spankings*
Naughty Lingerie Model Peels ‘Em Down
The garter belt and stockings and heels can stay on, but the panties have
to come down for her spanking: Photo is from Exotica #1 (1962). See
Also:Drop Tho...
Don’t Miss Daily Spanking Pics
Make sure that you guys bookmark my backup site. Just in case anything
happens to this site, or during the times where this site is down, the
backup will b...
Sultry Sunday: A Lady
I do not know who this is, but she certainly presents a striking,
no-nonsense pose.
The post Sultry Sunday: A Lady appeared first on All Things Spanking.
Lo esencial al desnudo: La psicología de los azotes
Aunque ya no es una forma legal de castigo corporal, una buena bofetada
puede ser muy divertida. De todos los fetiches de los que disfruta la
gente, los az...
Pin Up Friday
A real treat from Brigitte this week: a picture and a mini story to go with
it! “Honey, am home!” “And you didn’t forget the celery!” I couldn’t help
Kicking Ass
Hello dere My parents were almost of the modern sensibility of refraining
from corporal punishment. I do recall a memorable butt whipping that was
Poor Mackenzie Reed and Delta Hauser are bare bottom sticking out in the
air for furious solid swats with a big evil paddle and it makes their round
Thanks for the Good Times. Farewell Everybody
Well its been a very long time … er … nearly 12 years to be precise that
this blog has been posting to the world of domestic spanking. When i
started this...
My God, I Just Had A Grand Mal Seizure.
Can’t believe this—I just had a grand mal seizure, while I was working on
my computer very late at night….. …….I froze and could not move. My arms
then w...
We've Moved!
[image: Related image]
That's right! This blog has moved to Word Press!
Visit us there at
Thoughts on closets and convenience
Tuesday evening I got a spanking. I haven't talked about it here because I
wasn't sure yet how to talk about it and say what I meant. I screwed up. I
Impetuous Marie and Reckless Karen
A classic image presented here in superior quality thanks to Sweetspot.
Rather like the vampire spanking in the previous post the unknown artist
uses contr...
Lashville: The Birches
It is a pity that the movie does not concentrate on the birches the girls
are punished with. They are long and whippy, just five or so rods in a
bundle to...
Female Naughty Butts #503
*Having her sweet fleshy white mounds of female beauty, draped across my
lap, beautifully exposed, Totally the ultimate in pure spanking ecstasy!
Which Implement and Why?
It occurred to me the other day that you all might not understand why I
choose the implements I choose during the course of a shoot. So, I thought
I’d illu...
Punishment at St Angela's School
When Mr Evans entered the detention room he found that Caroline Clark had a
rather insolent expression on her face and was eating...
her expression s...
Learning Lessons from Punished Brats
Life is full of lessons to be learned. Now I don’t just mean those that
the naughty girls at Punished Brats learn from receiving proper discipline,
but th...
Excellence Award Spanking
Yes Dear Reader, your humble narrator has been away for a while. As usual
it is due to real life competing priorities that sometimes spanking needs
to t...
*Ohhhh Owieeeee *pout* Soooooooo Not fair Mummy!!!*
*Audrey's Mum smacks her totally bare bum cheeks till they burn FLAMING RED
at Punished Brats Spanki...
Monthly Recap: November 2014
Whew, November has finally come to an end! We're sure you noticed, but in
case you didn't - this past month was *NaBloPoMo*. Kind of a weird name,
Tribute to a Founding Father
Though inactive, I thought this blog space would be the appropriate venue
to pass along this article from the New York Times of this date:
The End is Here
This blog will be vanishing completely. My archives have been moved and my
new site will be burbling with activity after the holidays. Please change
your b...
The Executive's Secrets and Techniques for Tablets
In 2011, Gartner expects 60-65 million units’ sales of tablets and in 2012,
“tablets will achieve profits and sales near $300 million” – predicted by
Party Play
Yes, I know it's been a while, life rather got in the way. When life gets
busy, both the inclination and the time to blog rather go out the window.
I've e...
The Anatomy of an Over the Knee Spanking
Hi y’all Sorry for not posting that week, Well actually I’m not sorry,
work SUCKED but I was told to apologize to y’all. And yes I got my ass
shined for ...
Young Lady, Where on Earth Have You Been?
Hello, Loves! It's been ever so long since I've posted on the bloggie-wog,
and for that I'm sorry. Please don't be cross with me!
So, let me sort of catch...
A Plan
Thinking about my needs vs. my wants is a hard thing to do. I don't want to
be spanked, I NEED to be spanked. I know it's weird. I acknowledge this
about m...
My blog has moved to a sexier home with lots more even redder and sexier
bare bottoms being smacked and slapped for you to enjoy.
To see brand new bare bot...
how to get my wife to be more dominant?
A reader wrote :
I wish someone would work with my wife to teach her the benefits to being
a Domme and help her to learn how to do it more often.
Embers caught fire
I was not expecting what took place yesterday. We don’t usually argue but
somehow a little thing blew up to a bigger issue. I used the F word as in I
Funny Femdom Dungeon
Femdom Cartoon: man bound in dungeon at the mercy of his Mistress.
The post Funny Femdom Dungeon appeared first on Femdom Artists - Femdom Art.
Happy New Year (and safe and well)
Happy New Year, everyone! :)
I also wanted to post just to let everyone know that I'm alright. If you've
seen on the news about the terrible fires here in ...
Implementation of a Demerit System
One of the Yahoo Groups I subscribe to included a post be a member
describing a system of Demerits he and his wife use to track behavior and
determine disc...
The next step
Well, here it is.........I think I’m finally ready to take the next step in
our relationship. The next step is full on disciplinary spankings! Of
course, I...
So Long And Thanks For All The Fish
Well its been a very long time … er … just over 11 years to be precise that
this blog has been posting to the world of FemDom Spanking fans and
Video: Headmistress Straps Him Hard
School punishment aficionados rejoice! The English Governess presents a
free nine-minute F/M corporal punishment movie, featuring a strict
headmistress, he...
Video: Headmistress Straps Him Hard
School punishment aficionados rejoice! The English Governess presents a
free nine-minute F/M corporal punishment movie, featuring a strict
headmistress, he...
In At The Deep End - Part Two
Hello again, everyone. Thanks for all the comments on my recent picture post,
and especially to those of you whose naughty imaginations fuelled a number
Adjust contrast of a pdf free
Closer to the eye of the shooter, this is because Preview is quite
literally applying a filter to each individual page of the PDF you are
saving. the proce...
Spotlight Catalogue 3 – 14 August 2016
Spotlight Catalogue 3 – 14 August 2016 – Do you like to shop at Spotlight
Australia? Then don't miss the latest Australia weekly catalogue that we
are cons...
Jeep Commander
Jeep Commander is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand
Jeep. Jeep Commander's average market price (MSRP) is found to be ....
Overall v...
Questions asked and answered
We just got back from a short vacation.
During our vacation, we had a nice quiet cabin, with lots of privacy,
which my Wife took advantage of, which live...
Fresh paint Shade Suggestions for Living Area
The only selection of fresh paint color changes your entire atmosphere of
one's lounge. To obtain the best coloration for your house, begin by
selecting wh...
Interview - Sarah Stern
If you are a fan of tall English women swinging cruel implements on your
upraised bottom while scolding you in that imperious British accent, then
you a...
1st Ever Slayers CP Event
I must confess that yesterday was a particularly productive and enjoyable
occasion in the world of Mr Slayer. After months of planning, weeks of
marketing ...
Heres another slippering video i thought i'd lost for good . but found
again on forum chinela .. god bless ;-) its a old video now but one of my
iRitual, iList, & What’s With The I’s?
[image: worship]Everything these days seems to be iThis, and iThat, so I
thought I would be a smartarse and do my versions too. Having said that, it
Spanked in Shinny Red Panties
Two More Spankings Added
Well I got a spanking today, it has been awhile so I know I deserved one. I
have tried to be a better boy but sometimes I just f...
Another Maintenance Spanking
I got spanked yesterday. It was a maintenance spanking that had been
delayed by the holidays and lack of privacy. However, one of our live-in
children has...
Ironing Out Some Problems!
"I expect that the ironing will be finished when I get home from work each
day! I have an important business meeting tonight and my skirt is still
waiting ...