Sunday, July 22, 2007

Elise Sutton has a new Book!!!

From Her Site: "
Experience is the knowledge or practical wisdom gained from what one has observed, encountered, or undergone. An experience is the process of personally participating in an activity, event or lifestyle. Fantasy does not always translate over to reality because reality must contend with the bodily limitations of the physical world, whereas fantasy enjoys the unlimited boundaries of the imagination. Therefore, an actual experience may not match the expectations of the fantasy. Nevertheless, fantasy is often the product of reality. For one person’s fantasy is another person’s reality.

In her book, “Female Domination: An exploration of the male desire for Loving Female Authority”, notable FemDom author Elise Sutton examined the prevalent male desire to be sexually dominated by a woman. Now in “The FemDom Experience”, Elise further examines the Female Domination lifestyle by once again taking the reader into the personal relationships and sexual practices of everyday people who live astonishing secret lives.

Fantasy can whet the appetite for a FemDom experience but the creative expressions of one’s desires must at some point intersect with reality. Consequently, the male desire for loving female authority must be reconciled with the needs of the female nature. Some men merely fantasize about Female Domination but other men come to the realization that submission to a woman is not a fantasy but rather a willing condition of the heart.

“The FemDom Experience” is a collection of personal stories of people (past and present) who have observed, participated and encountered the Female Domination lifestyle, not as fantasy but as reality. "The FemDom Experience" looks at the Pro Dom Experience, the Relationship Experience and the Group Experience. Elise adds insight and commentary as she examines what constitutes a successful FemDom relationship."

You can order the book HERE

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Read more about the book HERE

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